Hunan Porcelain Technology held the "Ankang Cup" safety knowledge contest

June is the national safety production month. In order to enhance employees' safety legal awareness, master safety production knowledge and improve safety production skills, Xiangci Keyi successfully held the "Ankang Cup" safety knowledge contest at 2:30 p.m. on June 19, according to the company's three-year special action plan for safety production and the safety month activity plan.

June is the national safety production month. In order to enhance employees' safety legal awareness, master safety production knowledge and improve safety production skills, Xiangci Keyi successfully held the "Ankang Cup" safety knowledge contest at 2:30 p.m. on June 19, according to the company's three-year special action plan for safety production and the safety month activity plan.
There are five teams including Tetao, Sealer, subsidiaries (Core Porcelain, Xusen, Eisenda), Quality Department and Administrative Department. The competition takes the form of mandatory and preemptive questions, and accumulates scores based on correct answers. Through the hard competition of the contestants, the representative teams of subsidiaries (Xusen, Core Porcelain, Eisenda), sealing companies and Tetao Company respectively achieved the first, second and third best results, and Kuang Yingbo, Minister of the Administration and General Affairs Department, on behalf of the company, awarded the award certificate and bonus to the winning team.


President Xiao mobilized before the game


The representative teams of subsidiaries (Core Ceramics, Xusen, Eisenda) answer the mandatory questions


Seal the delegation to answer the required questions


The quality team answers the required questions


Administrative team answers the required questions


Special pottery team answers the required questions


The third prize (Tetao team)


Award of the second prize (seal the delegation)


First place award (representative teams of all subsidiaries: Core Ceramics, Xusen, Eisenda)


Group photo